Case Study for Rhinitis

Female, 56 years

Main complain: Profuse nasal discharge in the nasal cavity, nasal obstruction, and dizziness for one month.

The patient had purulent nasal discharge which was yellowish and sticky. Nasal obstruction accompanying with hyposmia. Dizziness and tenderness of the glabellum. Dry mouth, Ozostomia, Thirst with inclination to drink, Constipation with dark scanty urine.

Examination: red tongue with yellow coating, slippery pulse.

Diagnosis: Bi Yuan (rhinitis)

Differentiation: Excessive heat of the lung and stomach

Points: Xiaguan(ST7), Yintang(Ex.), Chize(LU5), Fenglong(ST40)

Methods: Xiaguan(ST7): Locate the point 1.2cm anterior to the centre of the hollow which is under the mid-point of the zygomatic arch. Insert the needle obliquely forward into the gap between zygoma and mandible with the depth of 5cm to touch the Sphenopalatine ganglion. The patients felt electric shock at the homolateral face and felt like water flowing in nasal cavity. It means that the Sphenopalatine ganglion was stimulated by the tip of the needle. Nasal obstruction disappeared immediately.

Yintang(Ex.): Pinch the skin up around the point with the thumb and index finger of the auxiliary hand. Insert the needle subcutaneously downward with the depth of 10-20mm. The needle was inserted transversely with the puncturing hand to form an angle of 20 degrees with the skin. Rapid rotating technique was applied to this point to strengthen the stimulation. Hold the needle handle with the palmar surface of the thumb and radial surface of the index or middle finger. Twist the needle with the help of the bending and stretching movement of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index or middle finger. Rotate the needle handle rapidly with the twisting speed reaching 200 times per minute or so. The patients felt strong heaviness at the forehead.

Chize(LU5): Insert the needle perpendicularly with the depth of 30mm. Hold the handle of the needle with the thumb and index finger. Rotate it for 3 times and then release it quickly. Separate the fingers just like a bird spreading its wings. The needle was left slightly quivering on the point.

Fenglong(ST40): Insert the needle perpendicularly with the depth of 40mm. Lift-thrust and rotate the needle quickly with large amplitude to get Qi sensation. After the arrival of Qi, rotate the needle backward with the angle of 360 degrees, causing muscle fibers to bind around the body of the needle tightly. Hold the needle with the thumb and index finger. Combine vibrating with stuck needling technique at this time. Rotate and lift-thrust the needle quickly with very small amplitude and high frequency like the hand trembling. The patient felt strong distension and soreness around the point. Then lift the needle 3 times to drag the muscle fibers. The Patient felt dragging pain under the needle. Twirl the needle forward to loose it. Shake the needle to enlarge the hole on withdrawing it slowly.