Needling Techniques

Auxiliary Needling Technique

Auxiliary manipulations on filiform needles refer to such techniques as sparrow pecking, vibrating, twirling, flying, flicking, scraping, arching, swinging, shaking, circling, and tapping on the handle (or body) of the needle after insertion.

Special Needling Techniques for Rhinitis

Rhinitis is a common disease frequently encountered in acupuncture clinical practice. Some special needling techniques of amazing effects in treating this disorder will be discussed in detail through the following case study.

Filiform Needling Methods for Chest Points

Chest is the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone. Two of the most important organs, the heart and lung, situate in it.

Filiform Needling Methods for Abdomen Points

Abdomen points include the points located between the xiphisternal synchondrosis and the upper border of symphysis pubis. They belong to Conception, three foot yin, foot yangming, and foot shaoyang meridians respectively and mainly function to treat various ailments of liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidney, urinary bladder, intestines, and genital organs according to their local and adjacent therapeutic properties.

Filiform Needling Methods for Facial Points

Needling methods chiefly include proper insertion of filiform needles into points and various techniques and manipulations applied to the needles. Application of those methods plays an essential role in achieving the preventive and curative functions of points.

Filiform Needling Methods for Back Points

Back points in this paper mainly refer to the points at the vertebral region. There are important internal organs and spinal nerves distributing at deep levels of those points. It is proved that needling them can treat diseases of various systems of the body.